Painted Sculpture

Royal Reef C"   6x6x1.5"

Mini Royal Reef 1"    5.5x6x3"  

Royal Reef 3"   8x8"  

Royal Reef 1"   8x8"  

Royal Reef 2"   5x5"  

Royal Reef 4"   8x8"  

Royal Reef 5"   8x8"  

Royal Reef 7"         7x6x2"

These sculptures entitled "Royal Reefs" symbolize pieces of coral reefs. I hope to  draw an awareness to save the living oceans. "Health to the Oceans means Health to Us" (Sylvia Earle "Mission Blue"). Her Ted talk inspired me.

Royal Reef B"   6x6x1.5

Royal Reef A"                6x6"  

Royal Reef 7"              6x6"  

Royal Reef 12"              6x8"